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"The Gusto"

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"The Gusto" Empty "The Gusto"

Post by alphanumeric Thu Sep 05, 2013 9:28 am

In the fertile Mist Valley Wetlands, there is a tribe that lives as one with nature.
lose to the eternally hazy valley, "Mist Valley", there exists a vast wetland where many wild animals dwell. Near the ancient ruins of the "Shrine of Mist Valley", which has been the site of countless wars in the past, exists a tribe who worship the wetlands, the "Gusto".

"The Gusto" WindaPriestessofGusto-TF05-JP-VG"The Gusto" GustoGulldo-TF05-JP-VG
"Winda, Priestess of Gusto", "Gusto Gulldo"
"The Gusto" ShrineofMistValley
"Shrine of Mist Valley"
The "Gusto" tribe lives in harmony with the animals and the "deity" said to be sleeping at the "Shrine of Mist Valley".

"The Gusto" WhirlwindofGusto-TF06-JP-VG"The Gusto" ContactwithGusto-TF05-JP-VG
"Whirlwind of Gusto", "Contact with Gusto"
"The Gusto" DaigustoGulldos-TF05-JP-VG
"Daigusto Gulldos"
Capable of controlling the winds and the birds, they are able to communicate with the wetlands themselves, drawing upon their power and converting that power into a means to fight back.

Human and bird join as one to fight against any who would dare invade the wetland, which is holy ground.
There have been countless people who have tried to take these wetlands for themselves, but in every case, the "Gusto" people have been able to repel the invasion, together with the animals that dwell there. It is said that due to their tactics of joining as one with the birds, they are descended from those who live in the nearby "Mist Valley".

The "Gusto" ultimately got caught up in a battle over the "Goddess" of the wetlands.
The group of Ritual users, "Gishki", began to invade the wetlands. They seek the power of the "deity" who is said to lie asleep within the land of the wetland itself, and to get to it, they pollute and destroy the region without an inch of hesitation. As a result, the "Gusto" get dragged into a war over the "deity" of their land...

"The Gusto" GishkiNoellia-TF06-JP-VG
"Gishki Noellia"
The leader of the "Gishki" who plans to use forbidden magic to gain control of the powers of the "deity" that lies sleeping in the wetlands.

"The Gusto" EvigishkiMindAugus-TF05-JP-VG
"Evigishki Mind Augus"
The "Gishki" fight by changing themselves into abominations and monsters using forbidden magic.

Posts : 70
Join date : 2013-08-22


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